Notification: Event Recipients
The Event Recipients sub-tab allows you to specify the roles associated with the affected record that should receive the defined Notification.
For example, a Shop Supervisor might be selected to receive a message or alert for a rule associated with the shut down of an asset. In addition, options are available to send a message or alert to the Event Member, such as the member who updated the impacted record, or All Members. Individually named recipients can be specified on the Recipients sub-tab.
Designate event recipients for a notification:
Ensure the Notification action is selected.
Click the Event Recipients sub-tab.
Select the check boxes for the appropriate recipients.
You can specify as many recipients as needed. Ensure that the recipients you select are logical for the event associated with the rule. For example, a rule based on a Purchase Order event should not logically be tied to a Requester.
Access the other Send Notification tabs and make changes as needed: Alert, Event Recipients, and Message.
Click Save.